Sol Amino can be used as a fast solution in cases where micronutrient requirement is more intensive. The use of Sol Amino is highly recommended for plant development and stress defense.
Sol Amino plays important role in enhancing your plant’s productivity, especially under abiotic and biotic stress conditions.
In general, Keysol Elixir Speacial Liquid Fertilizers provide fast nutrient uptake and chlorophyll in your plant and enhance your plant’s resistance against diseases. The benefits of each product make this category a smart choice for growers.
Total Nitrogen (N) | 5% |
Phosphorus (P2O5) | 7% |
Potassium (K2O) | 4% |
Free Aminoacid | 25% |
Total Organic Matter (Om) | 40% |
Vitamins + Enzymes |
Foliar Application of Sol Amino
Greenhouses and strawberry 250-300 cc / 100lt water
Open field vegetables and vineyards 350-400 cc / 100lt water
Fruit Trees400-450 cc / 100lt water
Soil Application Sol Amino
Greenhouses and strawberry 2000 – 2500 cc /da
Open field vegetables and vineyards 3500 – 4000 cc/da
Fruit Trees 4000-5000 cc/da