EcoFulvic NPK is an excellent macronutrients source that simultaneously functions as a plant growth regulator. This unique product increases nutrient efficiency by increasing plant nutrient uptake.
Fulvic acid in its content acts as a chelator, which ties up short-term many important elements including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) plus calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). These elements plus carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen make up 98% of the essential plant elements needed for plant growth. Fulvic acid also chelates the other elements needed for improved biological activity.
EcoFulvic NPK enhances nutrient uptake needed for improved seed germination and growth.
Nitrogen (N) | 1.5% |
Phosphorus (P2O5) | 2% |
Potassium Oxide (K2O) | 2% |
Organic Matter | 24% |
Humic & Fulvic Acid | 22% |
Amino Acid | 2.5% |
pH | 6-8 |
Crop Type | Application Method & Time | Foliar Application | Soil Application |
Greenhouse vegetables | From planting to the harvest | 250 – 300 cc / da | 3-5 lt / da |
Field Vegetables | 2-3 repetitions with 15-20 days intervals from planting to the end of the harvest | 250 – 300 cc / da | 2-4 lt / da |
Whole Leaf-Eating Winter Vegetables | 2-3 repetitions with 15-20 days intervals from planting to the end of the harvest | 250 – 300 cc / da | 3-5 lt / da |
Melon, Pumpkin, Watermelon, etc. | 2-3 repetitions every 20-30 days from spring | 250 – 300 cc / da | 2-4 lt / da |
Nursery, Ornamental Plants | 2-3 repetitions with 15-20 days intervals from planting to the end of the harvest | 250 – 300 cc / da | 2-4 lt / da |
Fruit Trees | 1- Before bud and flowering 2- Fruit formation 3- Until the end of the harvest | 250 – 300 cc / da | 4-5 lt / da |
Industrial Crops | After the plants reach 10-15 cm height 2-3 repetitions with an interval of 20 days | 250 – 300 cc / da | 2-3 lt / da |
Field Crops | After the plants reach 10-15 cm height 2-3 repetitions with an interval of 20 days | 250 – 300 cc / da | — |